Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Reflection May 28, 2008
Independent Service Learning: Dragon Boat Races
-What have I learned about myself through this experience?
From this experience i have learned that i am a very impatient person and i get annoyed easy. for instance, I had to work on the docks and we had to hold this long boat by the tail with at leats 300 pounds of weight in it and litereally be dragged across the dock until the starting bell went off and in my mind while im doing this im thinkin,' If they dont ring that m-effin bell", lol...
-What would you change about this situation if you were in charge?
if there was one thing i would change it would be the fact that i was out on the dock all day and when we finally got off the park was empty and i had nothing to eat, so i stayed up there for 7 hours while everyone else was home.
-How will service learning change your future behaviors/attitudes/and career?
i think that service learning willl help me not be so rude and ignorant to people and at least try and help them out. (sike)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Service learning Reflection 5-9-08
Friday, May 9, 2008
Of Mice and Men
1. Do you know another instance where an African American male killed a Caucasian woman?
- Another instance where an African American male killed a Caucasian woman was in Native Son. Bigger Thomas killed Marie Dalton.
2. What were some of the motives behind killing the dog?
- Carlsons motives behind killing the dog was the fact that the dog was old and useless and he could not move.
3. What questions would you ask of George?
- The questions i would ask f George would be was he just using Lennie and his size for work or did he really care about Lennie?
4. What factors would you change if you could rewrite the story?
- The factors i would change would be Lennie didn't kill the lady because then he wouldn't have had to get shot.
5. If you could describe George in one word what would it be? why?
- If i could describe George in one word it would be smart, because he figured that if he hung with Lennie he would actually get work because of Lennie size.
6. What would you consider to be the turning point in the book?
- I would consider the turning point to be when Lennie killed Curleys wife because when he killed her then the whole game plan switched up and Lennie realized that George would not let him tend to the rabbits and that they wouldn't be able to get a place of their own because he did a bad thing.
7. Could any events in the book really happen?
- I think that mostly anything in this book could happen in 2008. Except for the fact that if Lennie was to kill Candys wife he would probably be in jail instead of shot dead near a lake.
8. What do you think was going through Georges head when he walked into the barn and saw Curleys wife dead?
- George maybe was thinking "OMG wheres Lennie??, they're gonna kill him"
9. What would George tell Lennie every night before they went to bed?
- George would tell Lennie about their dreams to have a house of their own and not have to depend on anyone but themselves and how he would let Lennie tend to the rabbits.
10. If you were told to compare yourself to one character who would it be?why?
-I honestly do not know which character i would compare myself with in this story.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Service Learning
Service learning Reflection
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Planning for May 1, 2008
April 25, 2008 Reflection
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Service Learning
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Who was the main character in the story?
- The main character in the story is Bigger Thomas.
Describe the scene with the rat in the book?
- When the family wakes up after the alarm clock went off, Bigger saw a rat scurry acroosss the floor which caussed his mother and his sister to jump onto the bed in a panic.
Bigger and his brother Gus tried to kill the rat but it bit Biggers leg. When he finally cornered the rat he threw the frying pan, killingbthe rat. After
What questions would you ask Mary?
- The question i would ask Mary is why didnt she take the opportunity to go to college,?
Her making the decision not to go her seem ungrateful to me because I know anyone in the black community would jump at the chance to go to college and ahe blew it off.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Service Learning
chapter 1 summary
Monday, March 3, 2008

based on Native Son by. Richard Wright
1 white girl
1 pillow
1 trunk
1 furnace
1 newspaper
1 hatchet
1 pocket knife
-preheat furnace 550 degrees.
-Place pillow over white girls face until she stops breathing.
-stuff her body into a trunk.
-carry the trunk to the furnace.
-try to stuff her body into the furnace.
(if body does not fit do the following)
-take your pocket knife and try to cut off her head.
-if that doesn’t work, put down newspapers so the blood doesn’t go everywhere
-then use the hatchet to chop her head off.
-throw her head into the furnace and make sure it burns really good.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
National History Day Reflection
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Native Son
This first couple of pages was about Bigger trying to be the man of the house and kill the rat , but then after he kills it his mother comes out of nowhere and says that she wishes she never gave birth to him.
Chapter 2: Pages 15-29
This was about when Bigger and his friends were talking about wanting to fly and being white. class
Chapter 3: 29-41
This was about when Biger was about to go a nd rob the plave but then him and Gus began to fight.