Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Who was the main character in the story?
- The main character in the story is Bigger Thomas.


Describe the scene with the rat in the book?
- When the family wakes up after the alarm clock went off, Bigger saw a rat scurry acroosss the floor which caussed his mother and his sister to jump onto the bed in a panic.
Bigger and his brother Gus tried to kill the rat but it bit Biggers leg. When he finally cornered the rat he threw the frying pan, killingbthe rat. After


What questions would you ask Mary?
- The question i would ask Mary is why didnt she take the opportunity to go to college,?
Her making the decision not to go her seem ungrateful to me because I know anyone in the black community would jump at the chance to go to college and ahe blew it off.

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